Agricultural production and trade implications from closing the global crop yield gap in the context of climate change

Enviado por agodoy el Lun, 13/03/2023 - 15:58

Global food security and production is under pressure due to increasing population and income, climate change, and trade disruptions (e.g., China-U.S. trade conflict, war in Ukraine) as well as supply-chain disruptions and labor shortages from the COVID-19 pandemic. Given those challenges, the long-term evolution of crop yields plays an important role in determining global food production.

Natalia Zang

Empresa: Gameto Inc.
Posicion/Cargo: Financial Advisor
Programa del que es Alumni: Master en Finanzas
Área de interés: Private Equity - Finanzas Corporativas
Hobbies: Cine, Arte, Tenis, Ski

Inés Yamuss

Empresa: Poder judicial de Tucuman
Posicion/Cargo: Jueza Civil y Comercial
Programa del que es Alumni: Master en Finanzas
Área de interés: Derecho Empresario - Fideicomisos
Hobbies: Lectura, Viajes