Matías Esteban Ilivitzky

Corresponding Fellow of the Friedman Hayek Center for the Study of a Free Society, a research center at UCEMA, where he also is a professor. Analyst of politics and international relations issues. Matias Ilivitzky has a BA. in Political Science and a BA. in Political Science Teaching, as well as a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Universidad de Buenos Aires. He also completed a postgraduate specialization course in Project Management at Universidad del CEMA.

Alejandro Gómez

Alejandro Gómez is a Doctor in History from the Torcuato Di Tella University, Master of Arts from the University of Chicago, Master in Economics and Business Administration from ESEADE and a Professor of History from the University of Belgrano. He was a Fulbright Scholar for his master´s degree in the United States and a Fulbright Scholar in Residence at the College of Coastal Georgia. He is Professor of Economic History and of Entrepreneurs and Innovation at the UCEMA and Visiting Professor at the University Francisco Marroquín.

Eugenio Giolito

Eugenio Giolito is an Economics Professor at UCEMA. He is a professional Public Accountant (Universidad Nacional de Rosario), a Masters in Economics from UCEMA, and holds a Ph.D in Economics (University of Maryland, College Park). Previously, he also was a professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Universidad Alberto Hurtado in Chile. His research interests focus on Applied Microeconomics and Development Economics. His papers have been published in Journal of Labor Economics, International Economic Review y Journal of Health Economics, among others

Wenceslao Giménez Bonet

PhD in Economics and Business (Universidad de Navarra), BA in Economics (Universidad de Buenos Aires). He currently is director of CMT Group, editor of journal Libertas Segunda Época, as well as a participant of Liberty Fund colloquia and thesis juries. Additionally, he is involved in agribusiness. Previously, he was Academic Vice-Dean at UCAECE in Argentina, Dean of the Economic Sciences Faculty at Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala, and University professor at ESEADE Argentina, UFM in Guatemala, and SMC in Switzerland.

Marcos Gallacher

Dr. Gallacher is in charge of the activities of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Natural Resources of the University of CEMA. Has done consulting work for the US-AID, the World Bank, the Inter American Institute of Cooperation for Agriculture (IICA), FAO and the Argentine Association of CREA Groups (AACREA). At UCEMA he teaches Microeconomics, Decision Theory and Theory of Organizations. Professional interests include the measurement of efficiency, human capital and technical change. In 2014, the National Academy of Agronomy and Veterinary Science awarded Dr.

Julio Elías

Julio J. Elias is Professor in the Department of Economics and Business School of the University of CEMA (UCEMA), Argentina. He is also Executive Director of the UChicago/UCEMA Joint Inititiative for Latin American Experimental Economics (JILAEE), Director of the MA program in Economics at UCEMA and a Research Associate of the Center of Excellence on Human Capital and Economic Growth and Development of the State University of New York at Buffalo.

Francisco de Santibañes

Francisco de Santibañes is Vice President of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI) and Global Fellow of the Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington DC. He is also author of the books La Argentina y el Mundo (Edicon, 2016), La Rebelión de las Naciones (Vértice de Ideas, 2019) and La Argentina después de la Tormenta (Vértice de Ideas, 2021). He has written for specialized journals such as Survival, Armed Forces and Society and Comparative Strategy, and he is professor in the Master in Public Policy of the Austral University.

Ricardo Fernando Crespo

Ricardo F. Crespo is Professor of Philosophy of Economics at IAE, Universidad Austral, and at Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, and “Principal” Researcher at the Argentine Council of Scientific Research. He is a graduate in economics and philosophy and earned a Ph. D. in Philosophy (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo) and another in Economics (University of Amsterdam). He has extensively published articles and chapter books on his research topics.

Walter Castro

Walter Castro is a Doctor and Master in Economics from the ESEADE University Institute. Master in Business Administration from CEMA University. National Public Accountant from the National University of Rosario (UNR). Tenured professor of Undergraduate and degrees at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA Rosario).

Nicolás Cachanosky

Nicolás Cachanosky is Ph.D. in Economics from Suffolk University, Master in Economics and Political Sciences from Economía y Ciencias Políticas ESEADE and Bachelor in Economics from the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA). He is Associate Professor of Economics of the Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver). He is Senior Fellow of the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) in the Sound Money Project.