Rev. Sirico and Today’s Major Discussions on Ethics and Economics

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:37

Rev. Robert A. Sirico is a leading US intellectual, co-founder of the Acton Institute of the United States. Author of various works such as the recent book “Defending the Free Market”, as president of the Acton Institute Sirico is a regular lecturer at universities, schools and business organizations on religious, political, economic and social subjects. He also publishes regularly in prominent media such as New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, London Financial Times, etc.

UCEMA y Acton Institute (USA) lanzan la Cátedra Lord Acton

Enviado por admin2 el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:36

Como parte de sus objetivos comunes de promover el debate de ideas, la formación humanística y las ideas de la sociedad abierta, la organización internacional Acton Institute, con base en Estados Unidos, y la Universidad del CEMA crearon la Cátedra Lord Acton USA, un espacio curado por la organización basada en Estados Unidos para convocar a prestigiosos referentes de la política, la filosofía y el pensamiento de todo el mundo.

The return of inflation in the US and an overview of global economy

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:32

New edition of the UCEMA Lord Acton Chair where the distinguished economists Daniel Lacalle, Nicolás Cachanosky and Ignacio de Posadas Montero will analyze the recent return of the inflationary process in the United States based on the following triggers: What is the reason for this increase? Should we wait for inflation fall again or to remain at new levels? Is it only an effect of the monetary and fiscal policies in reaction to COVID-19?

The Road to and Away from Poverty: The Fatal Attraction of Socialism

Enviado por admin2 el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:32

El 9 de noviembre a las 19 horas se realizará la segunda sesión de la Cátedra Lord Acton, iniciativa conjunta del Acton Institute de Estados Unidos y UCEMA, con la presencia de Michael Miller (Acton Institute) y Anthony Kim (Heritage Foundation), y la moderación de Alejandro Chafuen. El tema a abordar será "The Road to and Away from Poverty: The Fatal Attraction of Socialism". La cátedra será en inglés sin traducción  



Ordoliberalism and its relationship to Austrian economics. A conversation with Peter Boettke and Sam Gregg

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:31

UCEMA Lord Acton Chair: Ordoliberalism and its relationship to Austrian economics In this new edition of the UCEMA Lord Acton Chair distinguished specialists will investigate the relationship between this German variant of economic liberalism and the Austrian school of economics.

The Greatest Threat to Free Enterprise Is the Big Business Lobby?

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:29

In this new edition of the UCEMA Lord Acton Chair a distinguished speaker will investigate the challenged posed to free entreprise by the big business lobby.

The UCEMA Lord Acton Chair was inaugurated on October 1, 2020, and was created by the international organization Acton Institute, based in the United States, and the University of CEMA, within their common objectives of promoting the debate of ideas, humanistic education and the ideas of an open society.

The History and Freedom Cycle in 2020

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:27

The History and Freedom seminar, organized by the professor and historian Alejandro Gómez, had a 2020 full of activities. Among the most outstanding sessions we can mention that of Ceferino Reato, who spoke about “La violencia política en los 70’s” (political violence in the 70´s). Reato addressed the causes and the consequences of the political violence lived in Argentina during the 1970 decade emphasizing the motivations of the armed groups that participated in that process and highlighting some of the most relevant events that took place during this dramatic period of recent history.