Clara Campoamor, the liberal struggle for the female suffrage

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:22

Clara Campoamor was elected deputy in her country for the Radical Party, which she had joined because it was “republican, liberal, secular and democratic”, values of her ideology which she determined to represent since a very young age. It took her 43 years to achieve that representation, to which she acceded even before being able to vote, without godfathers, without quotas, without cheating.

Liberalism, Interests and Naval Strategy in the second half of the 19th century: A mirror for the present?

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:21

The second half of the 19th century is also known as the era of the Pax Britannica. That period saw the development of the classical naval thought and is related to the presence of global ties, imperialism, competition between the great powers and the emergence of early navalism. The presentation proposes a fresh view that seeks to establish the connections between the ideological, political and technological context with naval thought in an era of globalization and to the similarities with today.

Panorama de la economia latinoamericana

Enviado por admin2 el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:20

La Cátedra Lord Acton fue una iniciativa conjunta entre Acton Institute USA y UCEMA, y tendrá su primer encuentro en septiembre, bajo la coordinación de Alejandro Chafuen (Ph.D.), managing director international COMA, Acton USA. Este espacio busca promover el debate de ideas, la formación humanística y las ideas de la sociedad abierta. La Cátedra Lord Acton será coordinada por Acton USA, quién sugerirá los expositores, contando para ello con el apoyo del Instituto Acton Argentina.

Rev. Sirico and Today’s Major Discussions on Ethics and Economics

Enviado por admin2 el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:18

El Rev. Robert A. Sirico es destacado intelectual estadounidense, co fundador del Acton Institute de Estados Unidos. Autor de diversos trabajos como el reciente libro “En defensa del libre Mercado”, como presidente de Acton Institute Sirico es un conferencista habitual en universidades, escuelas y organizaciones empresarias sobre temas religiosos, políticos, económicos y sociales. También publica de manera habitual en destacados medios como New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, London Financial Times, etc.

The difficulties of educational reforms

Enviado por jogarcia el Vie, 19/08/2022 - 16:17

Reforms to the system are being proposed permanently, but without oscillating between emotional pessimism and optimism, a just and fair diagnosis must be made on which are the main difficulties, among them: the cultural horizon of knowledge as passive information; forgetting the freedom of teaching; the problem of official diplomas; the union problem; the classroom problem; the criticism of instrumental reason confused with the criticism of the free market; the problems of international regulations; the quasi-contempt for the informal educational system.